Internet Marketing: What is Changing and What is Being Done About It?

Internet marketing is an exciting game for many. it changes so fast, and this keeps creative individuals constantly engaged. It also means that there are rare standards, and expectations seem to change constantly. What are these changes at Internet marketing firms such as My Sales Butler? Are these industry changes small enough that predicting them is almost impossible, or are they indications of a larger movement going on in CRM implementation?

SEO Up the Tail of Success

Search engine optimization is in a weird place, and 2015 is displaying that in full force. Many people are claiming that SEO is not nearly as effective as it once was. Some even go as far to say that SEO is dead. This could not be further from the truth, and it is quite misguided. SEO is more effective than it ever has been, but not in the same way. The high-profile keywords are cemented in their position, and competing for them may be futile. SEO has moved down the food chain, and many companies are seeking long string keywords that are niche-focused. In this battleground, SEO is highly productive and competitive. This is often called the long tail of marketing. It means that as marketers move down the list of keywords (from very general and highly competitive to niche-oriented) they find a lot more to gain.

Social SEO Integration

Social media’s place in SEO has always been questionable. Google has been mysterious about any correlation, and if there was even one in the first place. It seems the cat is out of the bag. SEO has been subtly introduced in social media, particularly Google Plus. That should come as no surprise considering Google's close ties. If the connection is distant (which is arguably the case for lower-level social channels), the audience is still there. They can still help boost the content's rankings in an indirect manner. There is an obvious connection between social page success and SEO rankings. Social media is not a trend. It is a mainstay in Internet Marketing, and its connection to search engine optimization is palpable.

My Sales Butler highlights all these concerns on their official website. Internet marketing is notoriously unstable, but not necessarily in a bad way. Creative and determined companies can never give up. They can stay ahead of the cusp of innovation and deliver strategies that work nearly every time. A home run batting average is impossible to sustain. If the strategies evolve against the right opposition and predict incoming trends, success can be guaranteed.